Buying Options
This website is a way for us to showcase a variety of items that we have available for sale. We may also post some items from a small number of select sellers that we know and trust.
Items cannot be purchased directly on this website. If you are interested in an item, please contact the seller for more information and terms of sale. The seller's contact information is listed on the item page, and can be viewed by clicking on the "More Information" button. If there is no button, then the information should already be visible on the page.
Most items will require pickup and payment in person. You can arrange this directly with the seller. Cash is normally preferred, but other payment methods (PayPal, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover) may be accepted as well. Shipping or delivery options may be available in some cases, depending on the item and seller. The listed prices do not include shipping or delivery charges. If the seller agrees to ship or deliver an item, there will likely be additional charges.
Some prices are firm, while others are negotiable. Feel free to make an offer, but please be respectful.